What is Backy

Welcome to Backy - a revolutionary platform enabling you to construct backends in just 24 hours. We're here to transform the landscape of IT development, fusing efficiency with innovation. By harnessing the power of Backy, you're not just creating - you're reshaping the world. Let's innovate together with Backy, today.

What it do

Unleash your potential with Backy - a revolutionary platform, transforming backends creation into a swift, 24-hour process. Streamline, innovate, and elevate with Backy.

Create your Entity Model

Queue your Request

Download the code


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Backy?

Backy is a revolutionary platform that allows you to construct backends in just 24 hours. We're here to transform the landscape of IT development by merging efficiency with innovation.

2. How does Backy work?

Backy turns backend creation into a swift, 24-hour process. First, you create your entity model, then queue your request, and finally, you download the code. Simple and effective.

3. Do I need programming experience to use Backy?

Backy is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, even if you don't have programming experience. If you can think it, you can build it with Backy.

4. How is Backy so fast?

Backy uses cutting-edge technology and optimized algorithms to automate most of the backend development process. That's why we can promise results within 24 hours.

5. How much does it cost to use Backy?

Backy offers a freemium membership, allowing you to explore and experiment with the platform at no cost. When you're ready to unlock the full potential of Backy, you can consider our premium subscription options.

6. What kind of support do you offer?

We provide comprehensive support to help you navigate and utilize our platform. Our team is available to answer your questions and ensure your success.

7. Can I integrate Backy with other platforms?

Absolutely. Backy is designed to be compatible and integrate with a wide variety of platforms and services.

8. How does Backy handle data security?

Data security is one of our top priorities. We use the highest standards of encryption and data protection to ensure the privacy and security of our users' information.

9. Is Backy right for my business?

If you're looking for an efficient and powerful way to develop backends, then Backy is for you. Backy is suitable for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

10. How do I start using Backy?

To start using Backy, you simply need to register. Provide your name, email, company name, and phone number and you're ready to leap into innovation.

Choose Your Membership


Create one project of up to 5 entities.

$0 / month

Choose Plan


Unlimited projects and entities.

$100 / month

Or $1000 / year (get 2 months free!)

Choose Plan

Register in Backy

Unleash infinite possibilities with Backy's freemium membership - transforming 'what if' into 'what is'. Welcome to tomorrow.


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Paola, +34 (623) 990440